Suggestion about system for certain games in the Index


New member
As far as "suggestions" go ,this will be quite a big one and it will be unpopular to many as well , but I hope you hear me out.

Looking at how much progress the index is making as of late and how many users from tiz transferred here ,with new ones arriving every day, its no question that RZ will steadily grow into what TIZ has been and maybe beyond.

As such, RZ will be an invaluable source for many games that cant be found online anymore, even on other ,maybe bigger, sites for links/DDL.
Moreover, even if you find these abandoned games on there, they will be lost eventually,since these sites are always at a far higher risk for being seized/closed and so forth,as they "specialize" in recent releases and the more popular franchises.

Im now looking through the index, and weve got games like Halflife,Age of Empires,some Starwars games and many more on there, all of which are readily available on other sites all across the net.
These games are still being sold ,theyre popular, and have a company behind them with a legal department ,which , put in simple words , doesnt give a flying f*ck if these games arent being sold in these versions anymore, or in the case of old Star Wars titles ,being sold at all.

I dont think having to register in order to see the index is enough to protect the site as a whole.

My proposal is ,if we want to have these games in the index at all and not remove them completely, that, since youve got to be online anyway in order to access the index, we seperate the more "problematic" titles into another "class",which you can only see when your reputation or points are high enough,so that not just anybody can register here and cause problems.

What do you think of this?
Seems a bit harsh on those who aren't chatty enugh and like to mostly lurk. I only have ever been active on TIZ and RZ, i struggle with chat and find interaction on a normal basis to be awkward (including in RL) so its only after ages of lurking and wanting to get involved that i registered and started posting.
EarthwormJam said:
Maybe an invite only thing would be better. I've heard other sites are doing this.

That's not a bad idea... although if it were to be considered, I'd suggest having open registration until we hit X number of users then have it as invite only or "apply on Discord".
Biggsy666 said:
Seems a bit harsh on those who aren't chatty enugh and like to mostly lurk. I only have ever been active on TIZ and RZ, i struggle with chat and find interaction on a normal basis to be awkward (including in RL) so its only after ages of lurking and wanting to get involved that i registered and started posting.

This is what I think about it.
It seems like it's a lot of extra work for something you can probably find elsewhere in five minutes. Maybe it's just my mindset of considering obscure games first, but I don't see what's wrong with how the old site handled it, which was not have them at all.
I would like to make a suggestion on a secure site. So, others can enjoy content. First a private site that is invite only. Is the only way to go. That way user signups are a little restricted. So would the content be. Second since alot of people don't have fast connections. NZB/Usenet should be the facilitator of retrieving and storing content. Pertaining to the content that was previously on isozone and other such website. These nzb's should be further password protect. To also give further protection to the content. I also suggest everyone get's a personal code signing up. So the only way to see login page is to first input personal code. In a fake page search bar. Once entered correctly. The login credentials shows up. NZB sites are alot more harder to join if their private. Due to the nature of usenet. And having to pay for a provider.
rlittl01 said:
I would like to make a suggestion on a secure site. So, others can enjoy content. First a private site that is invite only. Is the only way to go. That way user signups are a little restricted. So would the content be. Second since alot of people don't have fast connections. NZB/Usenet should be the facilitator of retrieving and storing content. Pertaining to the content that was previously on isozone and other such website. These nzb's should be further password protect. To also give further protection to the content. I also suggest everyone get's a personal code signing up. So the only way to see login page is to first input personal code. In a fake page search bar. Once entered correctly. The login credentials shows up. NZB sites are alot more harder to join if their private. Due to the nature of usenet. And having to pay for a provider.
People still use Usenet? Most moved on to torrents about 20yrs ago... some of us still use private torrent sites for our "full romsets" - while that's an option I can't imagine anyone agreeing with someone shilling for NZB.
Duwen said:
rlittl01 said:
I would like to make a suggestion on a secure site. So, others can enjoy content. First a private site that is invite only. Is the only way to go. That way user signups are a little restricted. So would the content be. Second since alot of people don't have fast connections. NZB/Usenet should be the facilitator of retrieving and storing content. Pertaining to the content that was previously on isozone and other such website. These nzb's should be further password protect. To also give further protection to the content. I also suggest everyone get's a personal code signing up. So the only way to see login page is to first input personal code. In a fake page search bar. Once entered correctly. The login credentials shows up. NZB sites are alot more harder to join if their private. Due to the nature of usenet. And having to pay for a provider.
People still use Usenet? Most moved on to torrents about 20yrs ago... some of us still use private torrent sites for our "full romsets" - while that's an option I can't imagine anyone agreeing with someone shilling for NZB.

If you are willing to go through those hoops you might as well move the entire site to the deepweb.
Whatever you decide to do please don't leave me alone and outside. I feel sometimes like lone dinosaur that still care about old vintage stuff.
Duwen said:
rlittl01 said:
I would like to make a suggestion on a secure site. So, others can enjoy content. First a private site that is invite only. Is the only way to go. That way user signups are a little restricted. So would the content be. Second since alot of people don't have fast connections. NZB/Usenet should be the facilitator of retrieving and storing content. Pertaining to the content that was previously on isozone and other such website. These nzb's should be further password protect. To also give further protection to the content. I also suggest everyone get's a personal code signing up. So the only way to see login page is to first input personal code. In a fake page search bar. Once entered correctly. The login credentials shows up. NZB sites are alot more harder to join if their private. Due to the nature of usenet. And having to pay for a provider.
People still use Usenet? Most moved on to torrents about 20yrs ago... some of us still use private torrent sites for our "full romsets" - while that's an option I can't imagine anyone agreeing with someone shilling for NZB.
There are 2 ways to look at this.

1. Privatize the files = safer but less attention then public.
2. We focus on a easier way to play the cat and mouse game with DMCA.

We can't stop DMCA's they are gonna gonna happen eventually, all we can do is setup a link repo for multiple links to each game and then have the "masters" backed up away from all of this madness and leak a rom out here and there if they die.

this is why I have teams, they all have jobs, and are all pounding away back here on solutions.
My 2 cents worth. Invite only is the devils work. It was the worst thing ever to be invented. The chance of knowing someone inside one of these "invite" only bs sites WITH actual invites to give is about the same chance as a plane wheel falling off onto the roof of your house. It's doing the MPAA/RIAA and FACTS job for them. IT does nothing but restrict 99.9% of the world from enjoying the same stuff you are wanting to enjoy.

It's great for people already in a place to then say oh go invite only, but guess that would change drastically for themselves outside the gates with no way in.
Let's face it. You go invite only you give invites out they get sold/traded on invite forums instantly for money or for invites elsewhere it's how it goes and always will go.

So, there's zero security with invite only as their not friends or family they invite as they sell/trade to anyone who pays/has something in return.

I'm a very old member/user or was before ISOZ closed down. They managed for years many many years completely public until greedy corps decided after 18yrs oh.. we can make money from this.
Anyway, invite only does nothing only keep the world out and from them enjoying the same as you. If this is all about preserving the old formats then why keep people from enjoying and helping to do that?
just because they are not lucky enough to know someone inside already lol that's just flawed logic right there. That's like saying only certain people in the world should be lucky enough to help in preserving abandonware contents lol that's arrogant.

I really hope this "index" or what ever it is going to be, starts soon sometime. There's a major hole to fill now in the ROM area since emup did what they did, and other sites just give up and folded.
The amount of media that was lost in ISOz and Emup all because of 1 company moaning. IT's like a supermarket closing down because nestle decided to pull their kitcats from being sold.

What about the other 99.9% of every other chocolate bar in the store? Nestle doesn't own them, nor have any rights. So why shut the entire supermarket lol? Just get shut of Nintendo stuff and leave the rest alone. But nope! Emup just wiped the lot.
Honestly, I don't care what the Admins decide to do in the end. It's not my site and I don't feel entitled to any files what so ever.
If they want users to be registered and active in the Forum for 6 Months before they get access to the Index I'm fine with it.
If Invite only is the way the site will operate in the Future I don't give a rats ass about it.
For all I care the site could be moved to the Deepweb and be Invite only.
I'm really just here for the Forum and the Community.

And Newsflash: Emu Paradise, ISOzone and Loveroms aren't the only Websites that Host or Links to ROM's and ISO Files. Currently I'm Downloading a bunch of Dreamcast Games from a site that mostly features Sega, Sony, Atari and some Arcade games and it was really easy to find it. And no: I won't post the Link here and neither will I give it to you Privately as anyone with a half-working brain can find any old game that was at least half populat using Google.
If you look hard enough you can find rom sites that are safe to use and have pretty much everything. In a few days I have found a ton of rom sites out there on the net. Some of them I never knew existed.
It's the more obscure games I'm going to find a little harder to locate as that's what the original TIZ covered well.