Black Dawn Rebirth - new alpha footage


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its a dungeon crawler, and should be released during this year
programmers say that need a simple Amiga 500 to run
well, the last footage video shows A LOT of improvements, seems damned good!
finger crossed :)

crap numbering order this serie :)
before this only 3 games released in PD/licenceware form : black dawn 1, 2 and 6! :at:
in reality the sixth chapter was from a different team, and is the worst too imo, the first two are surely better
beyond this new (7th ?) chapter seems there are original programmers, hope they do at least a decent job :)

EDIT on LemonAmiga you can find the other 3 games info
Looks awesome indeed, i'll gladly play it when it comes out.
Thanks for sharing Kremiso :) , i didn't know about previous Black Dawn games either.