
Underrated Games Volume 11

  • 922
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Every game has passion behind it and deserves some attention. Some games get overshadowed, under promoted, or just plain come out at the worst possible time. These games deserve a second look.


The Infinite Game score for Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

  • 819
  • 0
Welcome to the infinite Game score review of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Here we do not simply limit things on a scale of 1 to 10. Here the sky it the limit for a game score. The better the game, the higher the score.

Underrated Games Volume 10

  • 629
  • 0
Every game has passion behind it and deserves some attention. Some games get overshadowed, under promoted, or just plain come out at the worst possible time. These games deserve a second look.


My Current Nintendo DS Collection

  • 761
  • 1
So I have a very nice Nintendo DS Collection. The 2nd screen was a major game changer and provided a lot of innovation.


I went to SEGE and it was a blast!

  • 631
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This year I went to SEGE and it was a blast! I can not believe how much fun I had, the friendships that solidified, and the people I grew closer to. This is the entire story of how I got there, what happened at the convention, who I met, what I bought, and finally what mystery items I discovered.


Sega Master System Hardware Guide

  • 675
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So I was having so much fun at SEGE 2023 that I forgot to post that I released a video.
Collecting for the Sega Master Syustem can be a difficult start. Lets take the fear out of that.

Repairing and improving the NES Advantage

  • 675
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So I know a little bit about taking things apart. Time to teach you how to show a little TLC to your NES advantage, & show how to Improve it, & still keep all the OEM parts.

My Current Nintendo Game Boy Advance Collection

  • 699
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So I have a nice little Nintendo Game Boy Advance. This little console really got me into Handheld gaming.


The history of space Harrier

The infinite Game score review of Kingdom Hearts 2

  • 1,192
  • 1
Welcome to the infinite Game score review of Kingdom Hearts 2 Here we do not simply limit things on a scale of 1 to 10. Here the sky it the limit for a game score. The better the game, the higher the score.


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