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  1. kaduflyer

    varettaja here

    Rock On Jaydee
  2. kaduflyer

    Ms. Pinky

    I got a girl with a little rubber head Rinse her out every night just before I go to bed She never talked back like a lady might do And she looks like she loves it every time I get through And her name is P-I-N-K-Y P-I-N no lie K-Y me-oh-my She's 69 - 95, give her a try P-I-N-K-Y P-I-N I cry K-Y...
  3. kaduflyer

    Canada Goose Shit

    I was just outside having a cold one on my picnic bench when a huge V of Canada geese flew directly above me. I looked straight up and I actually saw one of them drop a bomb, it came right out of it... LOL It never hit me but man thats the first time I ever saw a Canada goose shit on the wing...
  4. kaduflyer

    Stop The Woo!

    CKnight I've heard your crap since the beginning of this... No need to spread false shit to people... so you said that was your only comment.. so keep your BS to yourself and your silly little friends who believe you!
  5. kaduflyer

    Wagwarn everybody

    I'm an old TiZ member... My user name has changed over the years cause I use to get banned all the time. Sometimes it took a long time, other times I just changed my user name... BUT I WAS NOT THE FUCKIN LUNATIC WHO I forget his name, that wasn't me... who caused major shit. All I did was got...
  6. kaduflyer

    Selling on eBay

    I have started selling my games on ebay. I can't believe what some rare playstation games are going for. I have got over $100 to $200 for some. I can get way more for others I have. I have a few Super Famicom games I can get up to a $1000. I have rare SNES games that go for mega bucks. I...
  7. kaduflyer

    I'm Still Around

    I haven't died yet if anyone here gives a damn lol
  8. kaduflyer


    Rock on PinKy... I was wondering why you closed that isozone topic by piratetar, then I actually read what you posted lol I have been a member since the beginning when it was all split differently, like dczone and all that so I know the crap and baggage and spamming by certain shitheads... I...
  9. kaduflyer

    Tell them your thoughts

    [No message]
  10. kaduflyer


    I'm gettin kinda high... I'm headin to the and fuck around there. I been a memeber there for a long long time... ya gotta check it out if you're into drugs ha
  11. kaduflyer

    where is this goin?

    like my heading man it needs a sweet change cause it lost somphin no I aint a thorn in your side i'mmma old time gamer lol o fuck its so retro now Its only me... this site needs to get a new meta tag with magic ms i just want to help keep it here but it will die unless you bring in the...
  12. kaduflyer

    Been quite awhile since I was here

    It's been quite awhile now since I've been here. The reason is because I couldn't login. Even when I requested a new password it never ever worked. I tries so many times and the same thing happened... NOTHING HAPPENED. I tried today getting a new password and used it and it actually let me...
  13. kaduflyer

    Post Count Not Working

    I don't know why but my post count doesn't work. It shows I have 21 posts but I have posted 29. It doesn't keep the proper count. Why are my posts not counting? Can anyone figure that one out? I have never had a problem like that ever on any forum! Thanks to whoever fixes this little...
  14. kaduflyer

    Legal Weed

    Pot has been legal here for over a week now... legal illegal. Soon we are gonna wish it was illegal because now they are going to make up all these fuckin laws that will do us in... when it was illegal they couldn't make laws on a illegal thing but now that its legal the laws are gonna force us...
  15. kaduflyer

    Back Again

    [No message]